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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the most frequently asked questions on the state-of-the-art transformational therapies of Transpersonal Regression Therapy and Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy.

The questions are sectioned into three parts for easy reference.

Please contact me if there are any questions that you may have remaining.


FAQ General : Welcome

General Questions

Q1: Why visit a Hypnotherapist/ Transpersonal Regression Therapist? 

A: Quite simply, visit a Hypnotherapist/Transpersonal Regression Therapist if there is anything in your life you wish to change. Whether you would like to start doing something you wish to do, or stop doing something that's become a problem.

Q2: Are drugs used in Hypnotherapy/ Transpersonal Regression Therapy?

A: No, not at all.

Q3: Does everyone respond to Hypnotherapy/Transpersonal Regression Therapy?

A: Some individuals are more likely to respond to these therapies than others, and having confidence in the technique helps. Believing change from these therapies is possible is important and if an individual is personally motivated to change, results are often more likely than if the individual relies completely on their therapist and doubts whether they have the ability to access their subconscious and make changes happen.
It is important to recognise that it is not possible to work with an individual against their will, and even if an individual is in a ‘trance’, they can reject any suggestion that is not beneficial to them. These therapies are therefore natural and safe, with no harmful side effects

Q4: Will this work for me?

A: There is no way to know for sure, but that goes for other treatments and medications too. But you can rest assured that most people of normal intelligence are fully capable of taking part in this form of therapy. As long as you follow the simple instructions, be open and positive about the approach and process, you should become receptive to the work and obtain improvement. As with any treatment method, there is no magic bullet, nothing in this world works for 100% of those who use it, but that being said, this method has a very high success rate. And since it is completely safe, there is no worry about its effects. At the very least, it will do no harm, at minimum, you will find better sleep and be more relaxed in general, and for most, you will see improvement in your condition, and in many cases for many application, elimination of symptoms.
Most people realise that this is going to help them, it is nothing scary at all, they have complete control at all times, and we have many, many people who tell us they love their sessions and look forward to the peace and well-being they provide.

Q5: Can Hypnotherapy/Transpersonal Regression Therapy help in weight loss? Smoking cessation?

A: Both of these are medical conditions and need deeper work than simple suggestion placement. We deal with the reasons for weight gain/loss and focus more on weight
management. Also, in case of smoking it is important to deal with withdrawal symptoms, A therapist can help a client to handle these issues.

Q6: Is there any age limit?


  • Anyone over the age of 18 years can choose to see a therapist. 

  • If you are a minor you may need the permission of a parent or guardian and you should talk to your therapist about this.

  • If you are a parent or guardian seeking a therapist for a child or young person it is best to talk to the individual therapist. There is no upper age limit.

  • It is possible to work with regression therapy with children, from about eight years of age. The main motives being childhood fears and phobias, bed-wetting, dyslexia, depression, anger and hyperactivity.

Work for younger children can also take place during a ‘surrogate or remote’

Q7: Should I use Hypnotherapy/Transpersonal Regression Therapy as an alternative to seeing my doctor?


  • The answer is NO.  

  • It is not an alternative to seeking proper medical care. Hypnotherapy/Transpersonal Regression Therapy are complementary therapies and should, where needed be used in partnership with conventional medicine. 

  • Your physician’s or consultants training in diagnosis cannot be replaced. Check out all health problems first with your doctor if in any doubt about using any self-help treatment.

Q8: I am taking prescribed medication – is it okay to have Hypnotherapy/Transpersonal Regression Therapy as well?

A: It is likely that when you first meet your therapist they will ask you about any pre-existing medical conditions that you may have and also if you are taking any prescribed medication. They may well ask you to check with your GP before you start therapy.

Q9: How many sessions of Hypnotherapy/Transpersonal Regression Therapy will I need?

A: This will depend upon your individual circumstances. This is something that you will discuss with your therapist when you first meet and many therapists will agree a set number of sessions with you which they will review with you. Depending on the issues you want to address these therapies can often be a relatively short process.

Q11: What happens at the first session?

A: It is possible that you will feel quite apprehensive about meeting your therapist for the first time – they will understand this and do their best to put you at ease. At the first session a therapist takes a complete understanding of your issue and will tell you all about the practical information you need to know and of course you will be able to tell them about your own goals for attending therapy. They will give you the guidelines about:

  • How many sessions you will have

  • What type of therapy they use

  • How much will it cost

  • What happens if you miss a session

  • If you can contact them between sessions

You will also have the opportunity to ask them about things like their experience and most importantly, decide if you will feel comfortable working with them.

Q12: Will I be unconscious when in Hypnotherapy/Transpersonal Regression Therapy?

A: No. No loss of consciousness is involved. Individuals will be perfectly aware of their surroundings, including sounds, movements and smells and will be hyper-sensitive to touch. Some individuals will achieve a deeper level of trance than others. However, the results remain the same.

Q13: What happens if I can’t relax?

A: Your therapist is skilled at helping people to relax and there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way for you to behave. Try not to worry about things like this as this may make you feel less relaxed. This is something you will be led into gently – and your therapist will be aware of your apprehensions.

Q14: What happens if I fall asleep or don’t wake up?


  • The state of relaxation that you enter is not the same as sleeping – but some people do fall asleep and this is nothing to worry about. 

  • You will be in a secure environment and your therapist will be aware of this possibility. Your therapist will also explain about the method that they will use to ensure you are fully aware and ready to get on with your usual activities after the session.

Q15: Will I be aware of what is going on?

A: Yes, you will. You will hear everything that is said (in fact, for analytical therapy, you will be talking yourself!).

Q16: Will I remember the session?

A: Another misconception is that you won't be able to remember anything that went on in the session. The truth is that you will be able to remember most of it. Any portions not remembered, will be where your mind has drifted off to some distant thought or memory.

Q17: Can I get 'stuck' in a trance?


  • There is no evidence that anybody can become stuck in a trance. The worst that might happen could be that you fall asleep!

  • Since your conscious mind is awake and alert, it can take charge any time you wish to wake up and you can open your eyes. 

Q18: How soon can I expect results?


  • This varies from person to person and also on the complexities of the case. Some individuals experience substantial improvements from the very first session, others experience more as the work progresses.  

  • Take away the importance of your presenting problem and work with the program, enjoy it and acknowledge the fact you are doing something different to help you feel better, and to reduce or eliminate the condition. Impatience is your greatest enemy. 

Q19: Is it confidential?


  • Yes, it is important that you can feel that you can talk about things in complete confidence. Your therapist will not talk about you with others – the only time they might breach confidentiality is if by keeping a confidence it could cause significant harm to you, your therapist or another person – for example if your life is at risk. They will explain about this when you first meet.

  • Therapists generally have a Mentor and it is very likely that they will talk about your case (without disclosing your identity). This is to ensure they offer you the best possible service – a similar process to a doctor discussing your medical notes with a specialist.

Q20: How will I feel afterwards?


  • After a course of therapy, many people feel energetic, more confidant and enthusiastic about their new outlook on things.

  • It's very common too, for people to feel a great deal of relief in getting over the issue which had been causing such anxiety, often for many years.

Q21: Is Hypnotherapy/Transpersonal Regression Therapy guaranteed to make me feel better?


  • An authentic therapist will never offer to ‘cure’ you. 

  • During your initial consultation you will be able to talk about why you are seeking therapy and together you will decide on a course of treatment. 

Q22: How often will I see my therapist?


  • This is something that you will decide with your therapist. It may be once a week but this is flexible.

  • For example, you may meet once a week initially and then decide together that you want to meet more or less frequently depending on how you feel.

FAQ General : FAQ

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