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Focus Sessions

Bringing incredible exploration, discovery and healing into situations we are experiencing within our lives.

Due to the shorter duration of these sessions - Focus Sessions are ideal to be scheduled online for both

local and international clients


The Family Dynamics
60 Minutes

Sometimes we end up in the family we need and not the one we would necessarily choose, as they will help us to digest what needs to be digested. Energy can’t go anywhere, it can only be stored in the body - so we will trace back in the family what you took on from birth, as a child or even adulthood, with a focus of returning what was handed over to you and retrieving what you lost of yourself as a result.


Labels & Judgements
45 Minutes

We all carry labels, and quite often – a LOT of them! “I’m too much of (this), I’m too little of (that)”. Where did these judgements come from? Who gave them to us!? These judgements then contribute to the unhealthy blocks of other peoples’ opinions, inaccurate conclusions you have drawn about yourself, and your beliefs about who you are. In this incredibly insightful session we discover what these labels & judgements are, and how they are limiting you. Then more importantly, you FINALLY get to give back all that is not yours!


Social Panorama
60 Minutes

People, like all things, exist in space – and as such, we are effected by the energy fields of the people and situations in our lives. So when something / someone is ‘bad or disturbing’, the mental representation of this thing / person is sited on a ‘bad spot’ in one’s social panorama. In this insightful session we reveal the unconscious landscape of images and people that surrounds you. We will then re-design your ‘mental landscape’ into one that better supports how you want to experience life.


Releasing Burdens
45 Minutes

We all carry burdens in our life that weigh us down - often without even knowing we are doing it. We just feel the weight of something bearing down on us. Perhaps the physical body also begins experiencing the strain - often manifesting in neck, shoulder & back pain. In this session you will discover what these burdens are, how long you have been carrying them, and how they have been impacting your life. Then finally, you will be ready and able to release and free yourself from the burdens - retrieving what you lost of yourself whilst you were carrying them.


Losing Our Energy To Others
45 Minutes

​At times we interact with those people who just feel like they are sucking the energy right out of you, or every interaction with them ends with you feeling heavy/low. It maybe a work colleague or a family member, and they drain your precious vitality and strength. Sometimes it feels like you have no power to stop them. Here we find out how and why you lose so much to them - ending the ‘energy leaks’ and retaining what is yours.


Maintaining Our Energies
20 Minutes

Utilising this amazing process will shift your ability to govern how you are impacted by the energy of other people – limiting any negative influence.

This is an optional ‘ADD-ON’ to the therapy ‘Losing Our Energies To Others’.


Power Life Regression
60 Minutes

This therapy opens an amazing and wondrous journey across time and space, designed for those that are looking to bring more power, and a stronger sense of purpose & determination into their personal or professional life. Enhanced insights, intuition and experiences brings incredible clarity and energy. Focusing on a past life which was lived from a place of strength and power - we retrieve, integrate and anchor those energies, bringing something very unique and special in to the present moment.


Making the Best Decisions
45 Minutes

We all face decisions daily without much thought. Then there are the decisions that we are unsure of making - or are too afraid of making incase we have to suffer the consequences and regret of a wrong choice. There is a deep awareness within us that intuitively knows what is best for us, and it is at this deep level that we will explore the decisions you face - discovering the clarity and assurance you are seeking.


Discovering Your Deepest Desires
45 Minutes

We so often are consumed with a focus on what we don’t want, or what we don’t like, that we forget to clarify what we do want in our lives. The Universe is always listening – so make sure you announce to it your deepest desires.


Highest Energy vs Lowest Energy
45 Minutes

We are made up of many ‘parts’. Some parts serve us well whilst others can slow us down.
In this process we will meet those parts at the opposite sides of your spectrum. The part of you that resonates at the very highest frequencies, and the part that has the lowest vibration. The some-where in between is the personality that you are in the present. We will understand how best to utilise the best in you, whilst investigating what the lowest part needs or what we can learn from that part - bringing more balance & vitality into each present moment.


Higher Self Guidance & Support 
60 Minutes

Its basic premise describes an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being - who is one’s real self. We access information, advice and support which transcends the ego and the personality of the adult of today, often finding a short-cut to the resolution of difficulties, concerns and blocks. We can also harnesses high vibrational energy and wisdom from one’s own ‘Higher Self’, integrating this energy into the human system and channeling or directed it at the fulfillment of any personal, professional or career-oriented goals and  desires.


Existential Threads
45 Minutes

The basic foundation, on which you have grown in your life, came from the family that supported you. Inner cells need much nurture and space, and if in childhood there is too much separation or stress, this will effect growth and development. This state-of-the-art mapping process looks at what has helped - and what has hindered - your growth.


Connecting To Our External World
45 Minutes

In recent times, many of us are feeling lonely and isolated. What perhaps began as a physical distancing and lockdown, has progressed to also being felt mentally and emotionally. In this ’energy field’ the relationship with our external world and those who are in our lives begin to shift. We will discover what the connection to your external world is on mental and emotional levels, what is influencing how you feel, and then moving closer towards how you can feel re-connected.


Exploring the Life Plan
60 Minutes

A Life Plan is the Soul’s focus. After the learnings (or not!) from the *Life Between Lives period, we set the Life Plan/Purpose for our next incarnation. In this exploration you may find what was already agreed before you stepped into this life: Where will be the place of birth? Who will our parents be – what purpose will they serve for us? What will be the profession? What body will we be born into? Who are the key people we will meet along the way – both those we love most and those we hate most? This session can bring logic to the most illogical and confusing  situations in our lives.


Aura Exploration
45 Minutes

As human beings we emit an electromagnetic energy frequency out from our physical body. This energetic frequency that we radiate around our body is called the 'Aura'. Sometimes when the energy within our body does not flow properly it causes an imbalance or a block in our life. Aura Exploration highlights the overall condition of your mental, emotional and physical state and addresses areas that need to be healed. 


Chakra Rebalancing
45 Minutes

We have 7 main energy centers in our body known as chakras. These are multi-colored powerhouses of energy located in different points of our body, each correlating to specific emotional, physical and mental ailments that we may experience. When one or more of these chakras go out of balance, we may encounter certain emotional or physical symptoms.
Clearing your energy and balancing your chakras can increase your vibration and bring in a healthy emotional and physical body.

Focus Sessions: Services

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