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Physical & Energy Workshops

These Group Workshops are 1 day or less in duration.

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Healing Fear & Confusion

2020 has been an incomparable time – a time of uncertainty and fear for many. A type of fear that keeps us stuck and limited.

There are many types of fear. The healthy fear we feel in ‘normal’ circumstances is natures gift. It informs and alerts us that we are in ‘danger’ and prepares our bodies in a healthy state of anticipation – most commonly known as fight, flight or freeze. Once the danger has passed and the fear subsides, our bodies return back to normal.

When we face ‘toxic fear & anxiety’ and ‘toxic unknown fear’ these are fears that last for extended periods of time. In addition to the emotional disturbances we feel, they also spiral us into catastrophic thinking – the ‘what if-ing’. Then if left unresolved, they begin to break down our bodies – in the worst cases burning out our adrenals and putting our entire immune system at risk.

It has also become clear that emotional and psychosocial factors can trigger symptoms in the gastrointestinal system (the gut). Recent studies show how closely the gut and brain interact, your brain affects your gut health and your gut may even affect your brain health.

So, it is time to face fear. It is time to name it. Identifying our fears clearly is critical to moving out of the grip of them, and regaining control of our thoughts and bodies. In dissolving fear and uncertainty, we can return to being healthy, resilient, and robust as we have evolved to be.

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Retrieving The Power of Our Past to Serve Our Present
For ‘Healers & Caregivers & Light-Workers’

Those who have been called to vocations of supporting others’ - those that have studied in the sciences of the mind, the body, the energy, and the Soul - and those that are healers, light-workers, guides, facilitators, energy-workers; more than ever before - you are needed.

We have been in unprecedented times when we don’t know what is coming - where we are restricted in many ways. The collective consciousness is often one of fear and oppression that can feel to many like a blanket of pressure.  Our training and experience has prepared us for this, and it is time for us to step into our authentic power so we can support those that need to re-discover their own light and peace.

For those that have come to trust us – we need to be even more reliable. We need energies of stability, determination, dedication and presence to do what we need to do. And just as importantly, while doing this we need to ensure we do not lose our own energies.

This workshop is designed for those open to the wider spectrums of the Universe we live in. We will journey into your own history of incarnations to rediscover and anchor the powers and talents of your past to support the work you are called to do in your present. We will mobilise Soul power and vital force energy that you can immediately utilise in the work you do today.

We will share how to identify and clear collective energy fields that impact us, so that we can remain centered and balanced in our own energy. The more centered we are, the more we can shine our own light into the world and be of authentic service to others in need.

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Inner Children - The 'Holy Grail' of Healing & Transformation

Childhood discouragement and incomprehension hugely effects how we experience and register experiences in adulthood. As children we perceive events that are traumatic to us whether this be the devastating judgment of our parents, physical/mental abuse, or feelings of abandonment to name a few. In those moments we withdraw into ourselves and no longer want to be physically present, and so we disassociate from our lives. Whole parts of who we are become locked into the trauma, and sometimes, the best of who we are is left behind in the past. We call these frozen parts of our personality our Inner Children.

They are parts of us that are split off from the adult personality, and if you let yourself remain fragmented, you mistreat yourself. When working with Inner Children we often find them to be stuck in reluctance, bewilderment, lack of motivation for life, and fear. In trauma our Inner Child has made such decisions as ‘adults can’t be trusted, I’m unimportant, I have to be quiet, I have to be nice’.

From there the Inner Child learns behaviors and coping mechanisms of ‘I better hide, I’m not going to do anything, I’ll always do what they say’. How does this effect adult life? ‘Not wanting to develop, withdrawing oneself in work and relationships, putting oneself in the last place, having no opinion of one’s own’ and so on.

In this workshop you will learn more about this healing therapy, as well as fully experiencing how it feels to find and work with your own Inner Children. Inner Child healing is a beautiful, touching and energizing healing, and often brings mental and physical rejuvenation.

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Mobilising the Mind, Body & Spirit for Health & Wellbeing

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Theory of the Mind

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Womb Regression & Healing

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Presence is Power, Protection & Correction

Our power, and that of life-mastery, is one of integration and presence. Of being whole. In contrast, the reality of our life experiences can very often cause us to fragment - where parts of us get left behind, stuck, or lost - leaving us less than whole. And when we are fragmented, we are more susceptible to dis-ease on many levels including our physical body, our thoughts and our energies.

We can also fragment in our concern for others. As the world continues to experience the effects of COVID-19, we worry about family, loved ones, those in our home regions & countries, and even those we do not personally know. We cannot heal the world – no matter how much we would like to - and if we try to do so when we ourselves are fragmented on some level, then we only risk losing more of what is our own.

 Instead we must be centered in ourselves, to safeguard our own energies – protect our ‘diamond’ that shines deep within. When we are more complete, integrated and present, then we can begin to send our shine out into the world, impacting others and the world we live in without losing anything of ourselves. So we will retrieve and integrate what belongs to us, stabilising and strengthening our internal world. We will also share practical and joyful processes to balance, cleanse and protect our external world.

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Rebalancing Our Emotions

We know that our emotions and feelings are greatly impacted by our thoughts – so it makes sense that if we change the thoughts, we change the way we feel. It sounds simple enough, but the reality can be very different! Thoughts are rooted deep in experiences, belief systems, perceptions and rules of life - and changing them needs focused attention.

In the meantime, what do we do as our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and physical bodies are experiencing the weight of an ongoing global crisis we all face in one way or another?

Well the first thing is we don’t run away from them! Rejecting or repressing how we are feeling in any moment only encourages those feelings to come back at us even harder. Instead, we fully acknowledge and honor how we are thinking and feeling but without disintegrating into a black-hole of pain that can be very difficult to get back out of.

Then, by using two incredibly powerful resources – The Universal Law of Similars and also the Meridian System of the body and associated Acupressure Points, we can completely neutralise and transform emotional disturbances so that we feel can feel peaceful, rebalanced and joyful. These powerful, yet practical, methods we use are also highly effective for reducing physical pain in the body. These transformational processes are both simple and unlimited in their use. So, whenever there is a need to rebalance and suspend stress & anxiety, you will have the ability at the touch of your fingertips – literally!

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Working With Conflicting Parts

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The Energy Body - Being Ourself

What does it mean ‘to be ourselves’? To be completely in our own energy, fully present, to know what we want, to feel free. Not being ourselves means having lost something of ourselves, feeling weak, just reacting - often blindly. 

We are strongly related with and heavily influenced by others, for good and bad. Perhaps it is through the influence of dominant and intrusive people such as parents, teachers, doctors, bosses, religious leaders or perhaps even something left behind by a deceased relative. They impose rules, they have expectations that have more to do with them than us. They leave negative thoughts and emotions with us, or perhaps suck the energy right out of us.

We carry imprints - an influence that others consciously put on us, a message they convey on  how we should be, or what we should think and do. Possessive mothers and harsh fathers can continue to influence their grown up children, even those that left home a long time ago. An internalization is an influence we adopt voluntarily - perhaps from someone we look up to. And in our energy bodies we carry these things that are ‘non-self’ or an ‘attached energy’. They can stick to us, enter into us, but either way they don’t leave by themselves. 

In this workshop we will delve further into the human condition. To learn about freeing ourselves from debilitating external influences and finding what we’ve lost of ourselves. You will be guided to ‘see’ your energy body and identify those ‘non-self’ parts that are stopping you from being truly yourself. Nothing can invade us if we haven’t already lost something of ourselves, so this healing process is about the removal of the non-self and retrieval of the self.

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Fast Integrations

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Social Panorama

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The Power of 8 - Magic, Miracles & Manifestation

To let in the new we must first let go of the old…the redundant…the seemingly forgotten that occupies space within! The limiting beliefs, thought patterns, redundant programs that control us subtly and hold us back from manifesting our goals and dreams.

In this event we will begin to release and let go of that which chains us down, and then permit ourselves to welcome the new…the beneficial…the liberating energies that allow us to function at our highest and best!

The event is an immersed experience and will include ways that with group intention and simple practices - miraculous healing and transformation can occur for yourself, others, and the world we live in!

This event is also the beginning of an ongoing journey in join a group of magical and miraculous people who will give ongoing support, creating a vortex of healing and transformation for one another! Just imagine the dream of that new and exciting promotion you know will enhance your life ten-fold – and then imagine another 7-people supporting your dream, and skyrocketing the manifestation process that sees you receive that ‘congratulations letter’! The group created within this event will feel a bond, a power, and a connection to make miracles happen!

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Self Hypnosis

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Physical & Energy Workshops: Services

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